Alkaliske urter te – (17 x 2,1 g) 35,7 g – YOGI TEA
I disse moderne raske tider er det ikke alltid lett å spise balansert og alkalisk mat – men det er fortsatt viktig å behandle deg selv på en oppmerksom måte. Å nyte denne alkaliske urte-sammensetningen gjør at du kan gjenvinne din indre balanse og gir deg det beste av naturlige ingredienser. Fantastiske milde urter som oatgrass, samt duftende lavendel, gir denne teen et veldig spesielt tegn. En te som smaker godt, vil forlate deg med en ønske om en annen kopp til. Den subtile meldingen til denne teen er: “Mild i harmoni”.
INGREDIENSER:sitrongress *, sitronbalsam *, løvetann *, nettle *, spearmint *, bringebærblader *, lavendelblomster *, fennikel *, gulrot *, lindblomster *, alfalfa *, persille * dandelionDandelion is among the best-known and most widespread wild plants. It thrives almost anywhere that allows it to sprout its bright yellow composite in the direction of the sky. Its leaves taste extremely aromatic: Subtly tart and slightly bitter, they are excellently suited for salads and smoothies. They are obviously also appropriate for delicious teas.
NettleThe famous painter Albrecht Dürer saw it as “a gift from God”: the nettle, which can reach a height of 1.5 metres. It grows in temperate zones throughout the world – at the wayside and along fences, as well as in meadows and gardens. Thanks to its pleasantly mild taste, it is an increasingly popular ingredient in foods, hot beverages or smoothies.lavender flowersWe can smell it everywhere around the Mediterranean: the tantalising fragrance of lavender. The plant of the mint family is native to these areas, even if it is now cultivated throughout the world because of its beautiful flowers. Lavender tastes tart-spicy and slightly bitter. It contains valuable essential oils.lemon balm
Bees love its nectar-rich fruit, and human beings appreciate the spicy-fresh, lemony taste of its leaves. In the Middle Ages, lemon balm was so highly valued that it had to be cultivated in every European monastery garden per decree.