Turmeric Chai (17 x 2 g) 34 g – YOGI TEA
Kraftig Moder Jord produserer den: den fantastiske, gyldenstrålende gurkemeierotten. Når vi spiser det, vi også føler at vi er i gode hender til tross for turbulente tider. Kombinert med Chai krydder og et hint av kanel, utvikler teen sin fulle, sterke aroma. Vi tillater oss å bli fortryllet av det. Det er spesielt deilig når det serveres litt søtet og med en (vegansk) melkevariasjon. For å forbedre gurkemeie på best mulig måte, anbefaler vi å forberede den som Golden Milk: Kok tepellen i melk (100 ° C), for tryggt forbruk, la bratt i minst 5 minutter og nyt! Den subtile meldingen til denne teen er: “Beroligende varme fra solen.”
gurkemeie rot *, kanel *, lakris *, ingefær *, kardemomme *, sort pepper *, eple *, fennikel *, mace *, kakao skall *, nelliker *Turmeric rootTurmeric primarily grows in Asia and the Mediterranean region. It belongs to the ginger family and is one of the main components of curry powder. In India, the ginger-like and slightly savoury curcuma root was already one of the most important spices more than 5,000 years ago. It was even considered to be sacred.cinnamon
Cinnamon is among the most expensive spices in the world and was supposedly already used as a spice in China in 3,000 B.C. Cinnamon is extracted from the bark of the South-Asian cinnamon tree. It has an aromatic-sweetish taste and contains valuable essential oils.liquorice
Liquorice has already been known since ancient times. Its sweetening power is about 50 times stronger than that of sugar. It tastes mild-sweetish and bitter-tart.gingerWhether in the Christmas biscuits, as a curry mixture or in lemonade: The bulbous ginger is among the best-known spice plants in the world. For thousands of years, it has been cultivated in the tropical heat of eastern Asia. It gives many of our YOGI TEA®s a fruity-hot and aromatically spicy taste.cardamom
Cardamom has been one of the most popular spices for thousands of years throughout the entire Asian and Arabian area. Its subtle, sweetish-spicy aroma predestines cardamom for use in many different foods ranging from sharp curries to spicy Christmas biscuits.AppleLike no other fruit, the apple is a symbol for life, fertility and wealth in mythology. Growing to a height of 15 metres, the apple tree originally came from Asia. Now it can be found around the globe in more than 2,000 different varieties.